ok first of all you can't have more than 3 copies of Harpie lady
(Harpie lady - Harpie lady 1 - Harpie lady 2 - Harpie lady 3 - Cyber harpie lady) all are always treated as Harpie lady so you can only choose 3 cards amongest those 5Harpie lady queen can be used as well so you can have 3 queens besides the 3 ladies
Harpie lady sisters is not that cool since that you can't summon it except with Elagant egotist
the best Harpie lady in most of the pro opinions is Harpie lady 1
Stats: 1300 ATK/1400 DEF (always start at 1600 ATK due to its own effect)
Effect: All WIND monsters gain 300 ATKnow to the fixes:
1 Swift Birdman Joe
3 Harpie Queen
3 Winged Rhynos (good ATK/effect)
3 Birdface
3 Harpie lady 1
3 Owl hunter (always start at 1500 ATk and it gains 500 for each wind monster)
1 Harpie’s Pet Baby Dragon (it's a weak card if you didn't start with a Harpie lady so it would be better to use only one)
No edits required but I suggest replacing Fissure with Smashing ground
+2 Hysteric party (I can't believe you don't have it)
-1 Harpie Lady Sparrow Formation (Sakuretsu armor is better because it doesn't require having a Harpie lady on the field)
-3 Harpie's feather storm (again it require a Harpie lady you better use Divine wrath)
if you are scared of DAD, Zombies and Snipe hunter then I recommend Shadow-imprisoning mirror because it's also a continous trap
well, it's not that big fixes but I'm not that good with harpies
so yeah I hope that helped you at least the info