- Only Administrators, Testers & Moderators can organize Tournaments, but they must consult each other about it ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] )
- The playing time for a Tournament will be 2 week max. and the Date of the Tournament start must be decided
- Only the most active members can report themselves to join the Tournaments! Administrators,Testers & Moderators will decide which of them will take place in a Tournament
- If one of the members decide to leave the tournament (to Quit) or he is not active at the time when Tournament is running, he will be disqualified immediately and his opponent will be declared as a winner of that match.
- All members must to respect the tournament's rules. If members complain about it then they will not be accepted.
- All members must contact with their opponents to decide the time of their duel and to do it as soon as possible
- All members must to make the screen shot of their duel wins to prove their victory
- The Tournament winners will get some prizes, DAD Credits (for 1st, 2nd, 3rd )
- Only Administrators, Testers & Moderators can organize Tournaments, but they must consult each other about it ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] )
- The playing time for a Tournament will be 2 week max. and the Date of the Tournament start must be decided
- Only the most active members can report themselves to join the Tournaments! Administrators,Testers & Moderators will decide which of them will take place in a Tournament
- If one of the members decide to leave the tournament (to Quit) or he is not active at the time when Tournament is running, he will be disqualified immediately and his opponent will be declared as a winner of that match.
- All members must to respect the tournament's rules. If members complain about it then they will not be accepted.
- All members must contact with their opponents to decide the time of their duel and to do it as soon as possible
- All members must to make the screen shot of their duel wins to prove their victory
- The Tournament winners will get some prizes, DAD Credits (for 1st, 2nd, 3rd )
Tournament For 32 or more People
FIRST PLACE: 1500 DAD Credits
SECOND PLACE: 1000 DAD Credits
THIRD PLACE: 800 DAD Credits
Tournament For 16 People
FIRST PLACE: 1000 DAD Credits
THIRD PLACE: 300 DAD Credits
FIRST PLACE: 1500 DAD Credits
SECOND PLACE: 1000 DAD Credits
THIRD PLACE: 800 DAD Credits
Tournament For 16 People
FIRST PLACE: 1000 DAD Credits
THIRD PLACE: 300 DAD Credits
Tournament For 8 People
FIRST PLACE : 500 DAD Credits
SECOND PLACE : 200 DAD Credits
THIRD PLACE : 100 DAD Credits
FIRST PLACE : 500 DAD Credits
SECOND PLACE : 200 DAD Credits
THIRD PLACE : 100 DAD Credits